Sumix USB Camera Python Library

Work on this python library has been totally halted, as I no longer have access to a Sumix USB camera to develop it with. If you or your company would like a finished implementation, I'd be happy to complete it, with the code being open-source, if someone could provide me with a Sumix camera, even if only on loan.
I'd like to get this library and this camera to interoperte with OpenCV, or at least the OpenCV Python bindings!


I've worked a bit with Sumix cameras. They are very good, considering the price.

Sumix provides a great API for interfcing with these cameras, so I've written various utilities with it. Code will be posted.

Python code:
This code is unfinished. Make sure you read through it before using it. Many functions not yet implemented, but Python is so easy, I encourage you to implement them yourself! - DLL wrapper using ctypes for Sumix provided API, in the form of a DLL - Simple program that tests a few parameters
M73 page - download their API package from here, it contains the needed SMXM7X.DLL

VC++ code: - Example application that displays the camera stream to the screen, and uses OpenGL / GLUT for drawing. Camera frequency & resolution are selectable. This app was written to display the stream with an overlaid crosshairs and reticule for research application. Builds with Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition (which is free!)

Please let me know about your successes and failures with any of this code!

ap at andrewpullin dot org